
Monday, October 27, 2014

Spooky Halloween Invite and Party Ideas

We had a fabulous time at our Halloween party last weekend! So I was brave this year, and we passed out invitations to all 23 kids in my son's first grade class. We also invited some additional family and friends. Of course, no one rsvp's much these days, so I was worried about how many people would actually show up. We ended up having 40 kids there!! With adults, we had almost 90 people in our back yard. I am sure glad we live in the country or we would have never fit.
Here are the invites we passed out.

Your Presence is Requested
October 18th at 6:30
Come Hither, Come Forth
To the Greene Residence
To Celebrate Halloween,
We Need Your Presence
Please Come Costumed,
To Set the Mood
Enjoy With Us
Games, Crafts, and Snack Food.
If You Happen to Feel,
Extra Brave on That Night,
We Will Go On a Hay Ride,
That Might Give You a Fright!

I used brown Kraft jewelry boxes I bought on amazon. I took some plastic fingers and tied a black ribbon around them. The top of the box said, You are invited...Don't Forget!

I cut a ghost out of plywood for a sucker pull game. If you have not played this before, you have some of the suckers marked with black dots on the back. The kids walk up and pull a sucker. If their sucker has a black dot, they win an additional prize. If not, they just win the sucker still.

I also made a simple pumpkin can toss. Who knew it would be their favorite game.
I also cut out 30 of these candy corns out of plywood, sanded, and painted them. I used a sharpie marker to write the kids names on them as they arrived. They were our party favors along with goody bags full of Halloween treats!

We had kids crawling all over our playground area.

Baseball ghost

Statue of Liberty

Precious Clown

We forgot to bob for apples at the party, so my husband showed them how to do it the next day.

My little one was soaked! Cracked me up. They both finally got an apple. I hope you all have a Happy Halloween!!