
Monday, February 14, 2011

Child Valentine Food and Fun

Here is this weeks reading suggestion. Today my son and I read the book...

It is a precious book about a dog that is sad because it is Valentine's Day and he doesn't think anyone loves him. Then he realizes everything loves him and he finds hearts in the natural beauty around him.

Heart Rocks

We began looking around our house for hearts and we found a funny one...

Potato Heart
 Since we are in the Valentine's spirit I made him a Valentine inspired lunch. I first cooked a sweet potato and sliced off circular pieces. Next I used a valentine cookie cutter to cut our hearts. Apparently sweet potatoes taste better this way because he ate them all!

Then I used that same heart cookie cutter and set it gently on top of the applesauce. I used red sprinkles to fill it in...

Just remember you can use almost anything and cut out hearts. Some other suggestions are cheese, cucumbers, peanut butter sandwiches, pudding cups...the possibilities are endless. Enjoy a special Valentine celebration with your children!

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