
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Walk Reading Activity

I originally saw this idea on a website from Vermont. A story is placed on stakes around the location of your choice at regular intervals and children take a walk to read the book. I loved the idea and decided to try it at home.

They had laminated book pages and placed them on nice stakes. I did a cheaper version and essentially did not spend a dime.
Each page of the book was on a separate stake.

I found these fans at the Colonial golf tournament several weeks ago. I came home with a handful at the end of the day.

It took two copies of the same book to create this book walk. I used a small Clifford book I had at home and used a tape runner to adhere the pages to each fan. I numbered them so I would not lose track of the order of the pages.


The only disadvantage to the fan stakes was we had to squat to read each page

This was our third time running around to read the book

We had a visitor along the way

Now the goats want in on the entertainment. My son was having so much fun he ran from page to page!

My children and I had an amazing time on our book walk. I love any activity that encourages reading. I am sure there will be more books and book walks to come.

Just a Hint:
This is easiest to do with books that do not have illustrations or text that crosses the pages.

*The StoryWalk™ concept was created by Anne Ferguson and developed in cooperation with the Kellogg Hubbard Library and the Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition. To read more click here StoryWalk.

Other fun suggestions for a book walk:
  • In the dark with flashlights
  • Father's Day with appropriate themed book
  • In a park or on a trail
  • On a family camping trip
  • On a miniature golf course
Parties I linked to:



  1. HOw fun! I will have to try that one out with my sons!

  2. What a fun activity! I think I have the same book that you used! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is fantastic! I LOVE it!

  4. What a fabulous idea! A great way to combine learning and exercise!

  5. How fun we love reading outside, I might have to try this this summer!

  6. I love this idea! Thank you for sharing!!!

  7. I love this idea! You did a great job with the fans and Clifford story. I'm picturing it along the playground at school.


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