
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Strawberry Plantation at Fall Creek Farms (

Have you ever been to It has local farms in every state where you can go to pick fresh fruit or vegetables. My two boys and I went to Fall Creek Farms in Acton, Texas (near Granbury) today to pick strawberries. We had a wonderful time. We filled up a large part of a basket and spent only $5!

Off we go to find our assigned row to pick strawberries on...

There is just something sweet about chubby little hands covered in red strawberry juice.

The strawberries were not very big but that worked out to our advantage. We were paying by the pound so we were just able to stay longer and pick more strawberries.

They had a picnic bench where we paid so we sat down and ate a belly full of strawberries!

I think this may end up being a weekly inexpensive and fun stop for our family. You can find a local farm near you by going to They are categorized by state and county. I was surprised to find how many are offered in our area.

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