
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Barnyard Pillowcase with Farm Animal Finger Puppets

Someday Crafts in conjuction with Ladybird Ln is doing a wonderful "Crafting With a Cause" this week. They are trying to get 100 bright and cheery pillowcases donated to a hospital for kids in their Pillow Fight...For a Cause. Being an nurse, I was excited to participate in this cause. When children spend hours a day in the hospital a little bit of "sunshine" on their pillow could easily brighten up their day. Included in their donation efforts, they began a pillow contest. I decided to enter last minute today. I created a farm pillow with finger puppets nestled in jean pockets.

I started by cutting a "house/barn" shape out of some red printed fabric. I used white ribbon to frame the barn doors. Once I had it all cut out I began to sew.

I sewed the "X" of the barn on first in white ribbon. Then I sewed the sides and top to frame the barn doors out.

I created a hay loft with some polka dot ribbon and used beige felt as hay. I used a zig zag stitch at the end of the ribbons to prevent fraying when washed. The hay was also zig zagged across with two lines to create the look of three hay bales.

Brown ribbon sewed on in the same fashion provided our little barn with a roof. While dreaming this pillow case up last night, I thought it would be more fun if it was interactive for my little man. Farm finger puppets became my solution! I cut some small pockets off some infant jeans my youngest had outgrown. I stitched them on top of the barn and stuffed our favorite farm finger puppets (I created these a long time ago) in the pockets.

They look so cute peeking out of the pockets! I hope my son sleeps tonight instead of playing with his pillow all night long!

I have made the top 12. Yipee! Please go vote for me!!

Parties I linked to:



  1. This is darling! Thanks so much for participating to in the PILLOW FIGHT!! Such a cute idea, I might have to make one for my kids!


  2. I love this! Absolutely precious!!!

  3. This is so cute! What a great idea.

  4. I love how you used the jean pockets! I may steal that idea. You are very creative.

  5. I'm TOTALLY loving your idea for a pillowcase! That looks like such a fun place to sleep and play! You rock!

  6. I think this is darling. Probably would keep my little girl playing in her bed instead of coming to find me at the crack of dawn!
    New follower and would love a follow back if you have time. See me at
    Thanks for sharing this adorable craft!


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