I am just now getting around to writing thank you notes for my son's birthday three weeks ago. Sticking with the vintage train theme I made these simple cards.
I started by printing his name on the front of these ivory cards. You can buy a pack of 25 for around $5 at Michaels. I usually just play with one card until I can get the printing centered where I desire. Then I just added the same train punch I used for our original birthday invitations to decorate the bottom. Fast, simple, and classic.
Centering the printing is trial and error for me on the computer |
I also like to make stationary as gifts quite often. Several of my friends have had their second and third child recently and they don't need many baby items at this point. I like to make personalized stationary to capture their newest addition(s) to the family.
I removed their family name for privacy purposes |
Here is another example of some western thank you notes I made for my son's second birthday party.
Personalized cards make great gifts for teachers too! I just google the type of image I want and then I use Microsoft Word to type in the words.
Parties I linked to:

These are absolutely adorable!!!