I have been busy a good part of the day putting up the majority of my Christmas decorations. My house always looks a little lonely with all the lights, trees, and greenery packaged up. I also took down my Christmas cards and put them in a pile to save. With the surge in popularity of photo cards, I love looking at all my friends and their family that we received. I know everyone put so much effort into getting their photographs done in time to squeak those Christmas cards out.
So why waste a good photo? Capture it for the next year, or however long you please. I set my cards on the table and starting taking pictures of them with my phone one by one. I was able to assign them to their appropriate contact, so I can enjoy them each time someone calls.
I do have to say the pictures on my phone look much better then my attempted photographs.
It was very challenging to take a picture of myself taking pictures. Ha!
Well, this project took just minutes and it is a great way to treasure my dear friends and their children.
I hope you all had a fabulous holiday and a safe and fun New Year's Eve celebration!
P.S. The winner of the Williams Sonoma $50 gift card and free pie certificate was Valerie. Thanks for all those that participated!
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