A dear sweet friend of mine recently got a divorce and I wanted to cheer her up. My husband is actually the one that suggested the idea of giving her a few fun presents. I wrapped a gift up for each day of the first week after her divorce. I figured a few minutes of distraction a day never hurt. Who does not like presents??
Here are the seven presents I came up with. I wrote a note to go with each one to let her know I was thinking of her.
Sunday: Cookies and fun napkins that read, "Eat now for tomorrow we diet"
Monday: A candle and a journal. I told her to treasure the good memories of her marriage, because they would always be a part of her life.
Tuesday: Starbucks Gift Card. A pick me up for the morning as a reminder to start off every day with something positive.
Wednesday: Apple lunch bag. She is a teacher, so I wrote an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Chin up.
Thursday: Marilyn Monroe coasters. She used to love her in high school. I reminded her that her high school girlfriends would always be there for her.
Friday: A foot care set to energize her for the weekend to come.
Saturday: Margarita in a bag and flip flops. Life is a beach (b****). Put on some flip flops, drink a margarita, and enjoy the waves!
Cheer up a friend in need whether it is a divorce or a rough spot in life. It does not have to be expensive to let them know someone is thinking of them. Have a great week no matter what you are going through! Do a little something special for someone you know.
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